
Hi Beautiful Souls!

If we have not met yet, I’m Natalie. Thank you for stopping by, let’s take a minute to get to know each other.

Who Do I Help?

I’m deeply passionate about helping women, open minded / awaken spiritual seekers, empath, heart-centered entrepreneurs, yoga teachers, healers, and coaches to honor their soul purpose, stand in their power, and create a successful, happy, healthy abundant life, career and profitable business that they love while making a significant impact in the world.

How Do I Help?

My expertise is to show you how to get out of your way, get crystal clear on your goal, release the blocks or limiting beliefs, create a step by step action plan and fully supporting you.  This way, you can step into your Divine feminine power, showcase your genius and live your best life by using the integration of spiritual principles and practical coaching, healing &/or intuitive business systems. Where you can transform from the inside out, gain confidence and be in alignment with your vision, mission, and value.

What Do I Offer?

I offer a package of 1-1 or group sessions, VIP day/events, workshops, Reiki certifications, and retreats. 1-1 or group (healing or coaching) sessions are done over the phone, skype or zoom. In all sessions and events, I support and create loving safe space for you in non-judgmental and confidential manners.

My coaching, healing and intuitive business programs are a blend of practical, simple, energy healing, life coaching, intuitive business strategies and infusion of spiritual principles, that can create a lasting transformation in your inner and outer worlds. I incorporate compassion, intuition, a balance of exceptional skills, and experience, to serve and help you move forward and discover your breakthrough into your best life, filled with health, wealth, love, joy, peace and abundance. You can have them all, anything is possible when you combine the deep inner work with the right strategy and clear step by step action tailored for you. I genuinely believe and know that you can be spiritual and wealthy at the same time.

I did it, other clients have done it, and you can do it too!

Are You Ready to Move Forward?

Who Am I?

I am certified money, marketing, business, and soul coach, a registered yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance (RYT-200), Usui Reiki Master/ Teacher, Registered Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher, Past Life Regression practitioner, EFT, and NLP practitioners.

Bilingual; I speak spirit and human English languages. I’m a born empath, INFJ, conscious channeler with Clair Cognizance (knowing) and Clair Sentience (feeling) as my strongest gifts. I utilize these gifts to support and help you at the highest level so that you can heal and transform your life in all levels, body, mind, and spirit.

Pretty much my entire life people have found me very easy to talk to, strangers have come up to me to share personal stories/events. Friends and families often seek advice from me and I’ve always been obsessed with psychology, spirituality and healing since my late teens.

A Savvy businesswoman with a background in a startup, small to mid-size businesses and fortune 500 companies, successful trainer of Reiki practitioners’ level 1 to Master, and creatively build followers of yoga and reiki, bringing wonderful benefits of both modalities into one relaxing class.


I believe and practice the Law of Attraction

I love self-development and metaphysical subjects

I enjoy cooking, arts, and crafts

I’m a globe trotter, love learning about various cultures

My favorite drinks are lemon water, tea, and green juice

I have two amazing super cute rescued cats and great supportive husband

One day I want to have a retreat center and an animal sanctuary

How Do I Get Here?

Zen Yoga Reiki and Awaken Your Success (coming soon) came about from my journey of challenges and two decades of diverse business experience in corporate America. The physical, emotional, and mental challenges that I experienced have helped me to grow and have a unique perspective on healing, transformation and a new understanding of what is possible in life.

I have experienced first-hand the many excellent benefits of yoga, energy healing and alternative medicine for many years. Alternative medicine and energy healing were introduced to me at the young age of 9 by my mother while finding ways to remedy my constant headaches and digestive problems.

My yoga path began when I had a lower back injury in 1999, and after recovering from it, a friend suggested yoga practice to keep my lower back strong and healthy. Yoga not only helps keep my back healthy but also assists me in finding peace, healing, and self-discovery. Since then, I’ve been fascinated by the fantastic implications of alternative medicines, yoga, energy works, and spirituality.

My corporate business journey thought me various aspects of building and running businesses, leadership, strategies, and adaptability. However, as I became more spiritually awake, the old way of doing business didn’t resonate with me anymore. I left my comfortable corporate career, hired coaches, grew my spiritual business and never looked back. Now, with the knowledge and experience that I gained, I created simple methods that incorporate spirituality and business strategies, to strengthen the feminine and masculine aspects of our being, creating balance, harmony, clarity, and success in your business and life. Integrating the feminine and masculine aspects of our being are necessary for our day to day life, but it’s especially crucial for a heart-centered or soulful purpose businesses.

I’m grateful every day and loving the life I have created, and I want this for you too!

Let’s Get Started

I love helping you step into your power, unleash your full potential and confidently live your purpose. I look forward to helping you create your dream life or business in the shortest time possible with ease and joy, without having to go through the pains and mistakes, or wasted time and money like I did.

With deepest gratitude,

Best Business Coach

Natalie Alexander, RYT, B.A

Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer

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